I Build America – Ohio is dedicated to celebrating the women of construction. Women are a vital part of our industry, and there are female leaders at all levels of construction work. From foreman to company owners and executives, construction wouldn’t be the industry it is without its female employees. Join us and our partners in celebrating the success of women within your own company and across the nation during National Women in Construction Week 2023.
Name: Rachel H.
Company: Shook Construction
Title/Position: Safety Administrator
Years in Construction: 4 years
What was your path to a career in construction?
After I left the Navy, I considered a career in health care, but quickly changed directions and started working for a local municipality in Community Development. During my years there, I was able to be involved in several residential rehabs, new builds, and even demolition projects. That experience gave me enough knowledge and skills to transition over to Commercial Construction working as a Project Assistant and have now moved into the world of Safety.
What do you like most about working in construction?
I have always loved traveling through the community and seeing all the projects that I have been even a small part of. Construction is constantly evolving, which gives us opportunities to constantly learn and develop.
Have you seen a change in the opportunities for women in construction over the course of your career?
While I have less than 5 years in Construction, I have spent most of my adult life working in areas dominated by our male counterparts. Looking back over the last 20 years, I notice more women on jobsites than I used to and in positions they did not typically fill previously. I am starting to see more women taking an interest in the trades and other areas in this field.
If you were to give young women (high schoolers) advice about beginning a career in construction, what would you say?
If you are interested in Construction, always remember it takes numerous different types of personnel to build a building, excavate the land for development, and construct bridges and roadways. The opportunities to learn new things or even switch into a different area of Construction are always there.