The first Wednesday in May is dedicated to educating the public about the wide array of skilled trade careers. Founded by our very own Ohio-based City Machine Technologies (CMT) in 2019, National Skilled Trades Day was created with the hope of raising awareness about the opportunities that come with working as a skilled tradesperson. CMT hopes this annual awareness day will help fill the major labor gap they’re currently facing and, in the long run, address the need industry-wide.
If you’re a business owner that utilizes the expertise of skilled tradesmen and women, you’re more than likely dealing with this same labor shortage as CMT. In fact, 62% of businesses in the trade industry report a labor shortage. And, this trend isn’t expected to go anywhere any time soon. Actually, it’s predicted that the gap will be increasing over time. Why? For starters, more than half of the current skilled trades workforce is nearing retirement age. We need a new generation to fill their shoes. But today, only 1 in 5 students that are nearing high school graduation are interested in pursuing a trade job.
Let’s join together to share the value a skilled trades career can bring to both individuals and the community as a whole.
If you’re a skilled tradesperson:
- Share about your experience on your social with #NationalSkilledTradesDay on Wednesday. Don’t forget to tag us on Instagram @ibuildamerica_ohio, CMT on Twitter @CMTCompanies, and both of us on Facebook.
- Reach out to schools to set up a speaking engagement that will inspire your local students.
If you’re a business owner:
- Celebrate your employees on Wednesday with an awards ceremony, complete with a catered lunch.
- Get the word out about your business and the skilled trades jobs by connecting with your local media outlets, Chamber of Commerce, or local schools.
If you’re an educator:
- Junior High and High School educators, connect with local construction firms and invite them in to speak to your class. Or, set up a field trip to see their work live and in person. If none are available, connect with your local career and technical centers to host a job fair.
- Elementary educators, host a “Dress Up as Your Favorite Skilled Trades Worker” Day on Wednesday. Throughout the year, stock your bookshelves with books that will cultivate the next generation of skilled workers. Click here for a few favorites.
If you’re a parent:
- Educate your teenage children on the opportunities trade careers can provide. Let them know that a traditional college experience isn’t the only option after high school and that you’ll be proud of them for pursuing their dreams, even if it doesn’t follow a traditional path.
- Get your youngest children involved with CMT’s My First Resume activity and inspiring Everyday Heroes coloring book. It’s never too early to spark their interest.
No matter who you are or what you do for a living, let’s all support skilled trades. They are the building blocks for our community’s future success.