The Women of Construction
I Build America – Ohio is dedicated to celebrating the women of construction! Women are a vital part of our industry, and there are female leaders at all levels of construction work. From foreman to company owners and executives, construction wouldn’t be the industry it is without its female employees. Join us and our partners in celebrating the success of women within your own company and across the nation during National Women in Construction Week 2021.
Meet: Kyley Wood
Name: Kyley Wood
Company: Kokosing Materials Inc., part of the Kokosing group of companies
Title/Position: Quality control technician- Columbus
Years Working in Construction: Going into her second season
How Kyley Started in the Construction Industry: “My career in the construction industry started when I heard of a job opening through my brother, despite being nervous about going into the industry and not knowing anything about asphalt I applied and was offered the job.”
What Kyley Loves Most About Her Job: “The best part about my job is the small family I have become a part of when working for Kokosing and the amount of people willing to help you succeed in doing your job.”
What Does It Mean to Kyley to Be a Woman in the Construction Industry? “Being a woman in the construction industry can be intimidating especially when you’re the only woman at your plant, however being confident in your knowledge and your ability to do your job goes a long way. Being a woman in this industry to me means quite a bit considering it’s a male dominated industry, and I’m just happy to have the opportunity.”
What Career Advice Does Kyley Offer to Women Considering a Career in Construction?
My advice to young women wanting to go into the field would be: stay confident, stand up for yourself, look for constructive criticism, and never stop advancing your knowledge and skills.
Learn More About Careers in Construction
Begin your career in construction today! Explore educational tools and resources right here on I Build America Ohio’s website. Questions about how to start a career in construction? Email us at info@ibuildamericaohio.com to get started in the right direction.
Follow along all week as we continue to share the message about the important role of women in construction, today and all year long!