MACC Tech, which stands for “Mining, Asphalt, Concrete and Construction Technology” is a 12-point industry credential that was approved by the Ohio Department of Education in 2019. MACC Tech introduces juniors and seniors in High School to the many exciting and great-paying career opportunities in the construction industry. Upon completion of this curriculum, high school graduates are awarded the MACC Tech Industry Credential, signaling that they have completed the necessary courses and applied lessons to be considered for immediate employment in associated career paths, including Aggregates, Asphalt, Concrete, Construction, Transportation, Engineering, and Manufacturing.
According to the United States Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment of construction and extraction occupations is projected to grow 11 percent from 2016 to 2026. That rate is faster than the average for all occupations and will result in the gain of about 747,600 new jobs. Overall growth in the economy and population will increase demand for new buildings, roads, and other structures, which will create new jobs in construction and extraction occupations. By creating a complete curriculum that requires few additional resources, both financial and time, we can encourage a quick adoption and implementation of MACC Tech across the nation to build up the pipeline of prospective employees for industries in desperate need for qualified workers.
MACC Tech requires teachers in participating schools to source their own supplemental materials to deliver in the classroom. These resources are likely already available from varying associations and companies. The goal of this initiative would be to source national resources for roughly 80% of MACC Tech, leaving 15-20% of the materials available for customization based on each states’ specific Department of Education requirements. Several leading organizations, including NSSGA, I Build America Ohio, I Build America Kentucky, is helping to coordinate and package available materials in an easily shared format for widespread use. In the end, this ensures more teachers will be able to implement MACC Tech and, as such, more students are ready to enter the workforce.
Call for Materials: MACC Tech needs content from employers, contractors, and organizations to supplement the curriculum. The content should:
Meet the curriculum topics
Be free to access
To share your materials, please review the curriculum here and contact claire@goverano.com to set up a time to review and discuss your additions.